Δευτέρα 31 Μαρτίου 2014

Ο Μπόλαρης με τα τερτίπια, τις μαϊμουδιές και τα κόλπα του έφερε την Ελλάδα στην καταστροφή

Πρετεντέρης, Πανίκας και Λιάπης. Μόνον ο Απόστολος ο Βαγγέλας καί ο Παπαγεωργόπουλος λείπουν γιά να συμπληρωθεί η απαρτία 
Ο Πρετεντέρης το λέέι...αλήθεια πρέπει να είναι! Ο Μπόλαρης καί οι όμοιοί του, με τα τερτίπια καλι τις μαϊμουδιές τους, έφεραν την Ελλάδα στην καταστροφή!!! 
Διαβάζουμε πως "ο Μπόλαρης επειδή ήθελε να τον υποστηρίξει η αντιπολίτευση για περιφερειάρχη αλλά την πάτησε...επειδή έψαχνε μια πιο σίγουρη καρέκλα...ο καθείς και τα κόλπα του. Αλλά όλα τα κόλπα μαζί δεν είναι παρά τα ίδια φτηνά τερτίπια που οδήγησαν την Ελλάδα στην καταστροφή....!!!" 
Πέστα ρε Πρετεντέρη, να μην τα λέω εγώ, να μαθαίνει ο κόσμος!!! Αποκάλυψη στον λαό! Να πέσουν οι μάσκες, εδώ καί τώρα!!!

"...Αλλά πώς μπορούν...να αμφισβητούν μια συμφωνία επί μυριάδων θεμάτων που διαπραγματεύτηκε η κυβέρνηση επί μήνες; Μια συμφωνία που θεωρείται και από τους ίδιους συνολικά ωφέλιμη για τον τόπο;
Είναι, δυστυχώς, θέμα λογικής.
Πρετεντέρη, αυτό το λογικό πές το ξανά...δεν το κατάλαβα!

Στο πρόσφατο παρελθόν ο Πολύδωρας σήκωσε σημαία για «τα χωράφια των Ελλήνων», η Τζάκρη επειδή δεν γουστάρει τον Βενιζέλο, ένας της ΝΔ (που μου διαφεύγει το όνομά του) επειδή του το είπε ο «πνευματικός» του, ο Μπόλαρης επειδή ήθελε να τον υποστηρίξει η αντιπολίτευση για περιφερειάρχη αλλά την πάτησε, ο Βουδούρης και ο Μιχελογιαννάκης επειδή έψαχναν μια πιο σίγουρη καρέκλα μετά τον Γ. Παπανδρέου κ.ο.κ.
Ο καθείς και τα κόλπα του. Αλλά όλα τα κόλπα μαζί δεν είναι παρά τα ίδια φτηνά τερτίπια που οδήγησαν την Ελλάδα στην καταστροφή....Αυτά τα φτηνά τερτίπια, παλιά και καινούργια, βασίζονται στην ίδια μαϊμουδιά. Βαφτίζουν το ειδικό γενικό και το κλαδικό εθνικό.
Ετσι η ψηφοθηρία και το προσωπικό προάγονται προσχηματικά σε δημόσιο συμφέρον - ένα συμφέρον, όμως, όπως μόνο οι άμεσα ενδιαφερόμενοι το αντιλαμβάνονται.
Το γάλα, τα χωράφια, η αντιπάθεια στον Βενιζέλο, το βόλεμα, είναι ακριβώς η ίδια λογική ενός πολιτικού συστήματος που οδήγησε τη χώρα στη χρεοκοπία και στο Μνημόνιο.
Ελπίζαμε τουλάχιστον ότι θα βγει ωριμότερο. Και διαφορετικό." 

Έτσι είναι...Πρετεντέρη είσαι ΠΟΛΥ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΣ τελικά! 

Η ευρωβουλευτής του ΠΑΣΟΚ Χρυσούλα Παλιαδέλη υποψήφια αντιπεριφερειάρχης με τον Μάρκο Μπόλαρη

Η ευρωβουλευτής του ΠΑΣΟΚ Χρυσούλα Παλιαδέλη υποψήφια αντιπεριφερειάρχης με τον Μάρκο Μπόλαρη: Η ευρωβουλευτής του ΠΑΣΟΚ Χρυσούλα Παλιαδέλη υποψήφια αντιπεριφερειάρχης με τον Μάρκο Μπόλαρη

Μάρκος Μπόλαρης - Παρουσίαση κας Χρυσούλας Παλιαδέλη, υποψήφιας αντιπεριφερειάρχου Θεσσαλονίκης με τον συνδυασμού "Συμμετέχω!"

Η ακαδημαϊκός και ευρωβουλευτής κα Χρυσούλα Παλιαδέλη είναι η υποψήφια αντιπεριφερειάρχης Θεσσαλονίκης της ανεξάρτητης αυτοδιοικητικής κίνησης "συμμετέχω". 

Ο υποψήφιος περιφερειάρχης για την Κεντρική Μακεδονία κ.Μάρκος Μπόλαρης, σε συνέντευξη τύπου που παραχώρησε σήμερα, ευχαρίστησε την κα Παλιαδέλη για την "συστράτευσή της" στον αγώνα για μια περιφέρεια με ευρωπαϊκή προοπτική, λέγοντας πως η συμμετοχή της "σηματοδοτεί την αλλαγή ορίζοντα στις περιφερειακές πολιτικές και ταυτόχρονα την λήξη μιας λογικής που θεωρεί την Θεσσαλονίκη επαρχία της Αθήνας. Η πρόκληση είναι να συνειδητοποιήσουμε πως η Θεσσαλονίκη έχει τις δυνατότητες να γίνει πρωτεύουσα ευρωπαϊκής περιφέρειας", είπε χαρακτηριστικά ο κ. Μπόλαρης, ενώ τόνισε πως "η κα Παλιαδέλη δεν είναι μόνο μια προσωπικότητα διεθνώς αναγνωρισμένη για το επιστημονικό της έργο, αλλά και ένας άνθρωπος που ως ευρωβουλευτής έχει δουλέψει τα τελευταία χρόνια με συνέπεια και εξαιρετικά αποτελέσματα. Με την γνώση της ευρωπαϊκής διάστασης, των ευρωπαϊκών δυνατοτήτων και των Ευρωπαϊκών προγραμμάτων, μπορεί να συμβολίσει αυτή την αλλαγή του ορίζοντα".

Η κα Παλιαδέλη ευχαρίστησε τον κ. Μπόλαρη για την πρότασή του να συμμετάσχει στον συνδυασμό, μια πρόταση που όπως είπε ήταν "κεραυνός εν αιθρία", καθώς ετοιμαζόταν να αποχωρήσει από το ευρωκοινοβούλιο και να ιδιωτεύσει και δήλωσε ότι θα είναι ευτυχής να μπορέσει να μεταφέρει την εμπειρία που έχει αποκτήσει από τη θητεία της στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο στην περιφέρεια Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας. Καταλήγοντας, η υποψήφια αντιπεριφερειάρχης δήλωσε πως συμμερίζεται την άποψη του κ. Μπόλαρη ότι το μέλλον της Ευρώπης είναι στις περιφέρειές της και εξέφρασε την πεποίθηση ότι "με συνεργασία θα καταφέρουμε πολλά και θα αναδείξουμε τα προσόντα της Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας. Έτσι θα είμαστε περήφανοι όχι μόνο για το παρελθόν αλλά και για το μέλλον του τόπου μας".

Η ανεξάρτητη αυτοδιοικητική Μακεδονική κίνηση "συμμετέχω", με τον Μάρκο Μπόλαρη επικεφαλής

"Συμμετέχω" είναι το όνομα της ανεξάρτητης αυτοδιοικητικής κίνησης, του υποψήφιου Περιφερειάρχη Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας κ.Μάρκου Μπόλαρη. "Ένα ρήμα ενέργειας, κίνησης, διαβούλευσης και συμπαράταξης, ένα ρήμα δημοκρατίας", όπως είπε ο κ. Μπόλαρης στην σημερινή παρουσίαση, ενώ δήλωσε πως είναι εξαιρετικά ευτυχής γιατί το λογότυπο του συνδυασμού ήταν υλοποίηση πρότασης συλλογικής δουλειάς από εθελοντές φοιτητές της σχολής Καλών Τεχνών. Ο κ. Μπόλαρης μίλησε και για το κεντρικό σύνθημα της παράταξης "φυσάει Βαρδάρης ...ξαστερώνει", με το οποίο όπως είπε "θέλουμε να συμβολίσουμε την δύναμη των πολιτών, την δύναμη της δημοκρατίας και την πολιτική στην λογική της περιφερειακής ανάπτυξης, σαν έναν άνεμο που διώχνει την καταχνιά που έχει καλύψει την αυτοδιοίκηση".

«Συμμετέχω» της Χ. Παλιαδέλη στην παράταξη Μπόλαρη

3/31/2014 1:22:57 PM

Η ευρωβουλευτής Χρυσούλα Παλιαδέλη υποψήφια αντιπεριφερειάρχης Θεσσαλονίκης. Δεν παραιτείται από βουλευτής ο κ. Μπόλαρης, εκτός αν γίνει περιφερειάρχης

Του Τάσου Τασιούλα
«Συμμετέχω» είναι ο τίτλος της περιφερειακής παράταξης με την οποία θα διεκδικήσει την Περιφέρεια Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας ο κ. Μάρκος Μπόλαρης, ο οποίος παρουσίασε σήμερα την ευρωβουλευτή, Χρυσούλα Σαατσόγλου-Παλιαδέλη, ως υποψήφια αντιπεριφερειάρχη Θεσσαλονίκης.
Ο κ. Μπόλαρης σχολιάζοντας τις πρόσφατες δημοσκοπήσεις είπε ότι είναι ικανοποιημένος από την πρώτη αποτύπωση, μετά την εξαγγελία της συμμετοχής στις εκλογές.
«Πέρα από την αγωνία κάποιων υποψηφίων, οι πολίτες δεν άρχισαν ακόμη να ασχολούνται με τα θέματα των περιφερειακών εκλογών σε βάθος. Δεν έχουμε ανησυχία για τις πρόσκαιρες αποτυπώσεις, διότι δεν έχουμε καταθέσει ακόμη στους πολίτες την ολοκληρωμένη πρότασή μας, τόσο σε πρόσωπα, όσο και σε προτάσεις», είπε ο κ. Μπόλαρης.
Τόνισε ότι η περιφερειακή του παράταξη είναι «ανεξάρτητη αυτοδιοικητική κίνηση για την Κεντρική Μακεδονία», ενώ μίλησε με τα καλύτερα λόγια για την κ. Παλιαδέλη, χαρακτηρίζοντάς τη «προσωπικότητα διεθνώς αναγνωρισμένη επιστημονικά, με σεμνότητα στη δουλειά της χωρίς καυχησιολογία, που εργάστηκε στο Ευρωκοινοβούλιο με συνέπεια και εξαιρετικά αποτελέσματα».
Με τη συγκεκριμένη υποψηφιότητα ο κ. Μπόλαρης είπε ότι σηματοδοτείται η "αλλαγή ορίζοντα στις περιφερειακές πολιτικές και η λήξη της πολιτικής που θεωρεί τη Θεσσαλονίκη επαρχ.ια της Αθήνας. Είναι πρόκληση για τη Θεσσαλονίκη και την Κεντρική Μακεδονία η πρόταση να εφαρμοστούν πολιτικές ώστε να γίνει σώμα της Ευρώπης των Περιφερειών".
Ο κ. Μπόλαρης επισήμανε ότι η παράταξή του βασίζεται στους ενεργούς δημοκρατικούς πολίτες και τους μικρομεσαίους Έλληνες που σηκώνουν το βάρος της κρίσης.
Σύνθημά του: «Φυσάει Βαρδάρης – Ξαστερώνει» και το στρατηγείο του θα είναι στην Τσιμισκή 38.
Η κ. Παλιαδέλη είπε ότι η πρόταση του κ. Μπόλαρη «ήρθε σαν κεραυνός εν αιθρία», όταν ήταν έτοιμη πλέον να ιδιωτεύσει. Αντιστοίχως της είχε γίνει η πρόταση από τον κ. Γιώργο Παπανδρέου να γίνει ευρωβουλευτής.
«Την εμπειρία που αποκόμισα από τα πέντε χρόνια στην Ευρωβουλή θα είμαι ευτυχής να τη μεταφέρω στην Περιφέρεια Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας. Το μέλλον της Ευρώπης είναι στις περιφέρειές της. Η Κεντρική Μακεδονία πρέπει να το αξιοποιήσει όχι μόνο σε επίπεδο κονδυλίων, αλλά και με αυξημένη αυτονομία σε σχέση με την κεντρική διοίκηση. Να επενδύσουμε στη συνεργασία και τους "συμβιβασμούς", δηλαδή την ανταλλαγή απόψεων για την εξεύρεση της μέσης λύσης, προκειμένου να προχωρήσει κάτι, ώστε να αναδείξουμε τα προσόντα όχι με επαρχιωτική, αλλά με περήφανη λογική», σημείωσε.
Ο κ. Μπόλαρης δήλωσε ότι θα ανακοινώσει σύντομα τους πέντε άξονες για την ανάπτυξη της Περιφέρειας Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας, ενώ για την αντιπαλότητα Ιωαννίδη – Τζιτζικώστα είπε ότι «πρόκειται για αντιπαλότητα στους κόλπους μιας παράταξης, που διαχειρίστηκε ανεπιτυχώς τα πράγματα και στην Περιφέρεια και στη νομαρχία».
Παράλληλα, σημείωσε ότι δε συντρέχει λόγος να παραιτηθεί από βουλευτής, κάτι που θα κάνει και ως εκ του νόμου υποχρέωση εφόσον εκλεγεί περιφερειάρχης. «Υπάρχουν παραιτήσεις ουσίας και παραιτήσεις επικοινωνίας», δήλωσε με νόημα.
Η κ. Παλιαδέλη επίσης τόνισε ότι δεν ανήκει σε κανένα κόμμα και δεν είναι μέλος του ΠΑΣΟΚ, αλλά ήταν τιμητικό γι αυτή που ήταν στο ευρωψηφοδέλτιό του.
Παρόντες στη συνέντευξη τύπου ο κ. Αδάμ Δράγας, επικεφαλής της περιφερειακής παράταξης της ΔΗΜΑΡ στο περιφερειακό συμβούλιο και η κ. Δήμητρα Αγκαθίδου, δημοτική σύμβουλος της «Πρωτοβουλίας» του κ. Μπουτάρη, οι οποίοι εξετάζουν τη συμμετοχή τους στην περιφερειακή παράταξη «Συμμετέχω».
Το διαβάσαμε στο: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tsantirigr/~3/Efi9CvBDRwg/

Istanbul’s Lavish ‘Crystal Tower’ Sold to Greek Bank

Good Morning Turkey

Istanbul’s Lavish ‘Crystal Tower’ Sold to Greek Bank
The National Bank of Greece (NBG), which owns Finansbank in Turkey, bought a 40-story office tower in central Istanbul for $303 million, daily Hürriyet has reported March 18.
The 170-meters high Crystal Tower was sold by Koru Property Investments, a subsidiary of Soyak Group in Turkey. The building, located in Istanbul’s Levent district, has a 60,000 m2 area of usage.
The deal is reported to be one of the largest transactions in the Turkish commercial property market in recent years. The NBG is expected to use the tower as the new head office of Finansbank.
The operations in Greece yield 50 percent of the NBG’s pretax pre-provision profits are, complemented by 35 percent from Turkey and 15 percent from Southeastern Europe, according to figures released by the Greek company.
The total assets of Soyak Group, which operates in the real estate, energy, cement and casting sectors in Turkey, stood at $1.578 million in 2012.

Istanbul Becoming Greek Restauranteurs’ New Favorite City

Good Morning Turkey

Istanbul Becoming Greek Restauranteurs’ New Favorite City
The economic crisis may be biting Greece, but that hasn’t stopped the country’s investors from turning their eyes east to opportunities in Istanbul, with business leaders opening boutique cafes and restaurants in the city.
Many of the investors are Greeks with familial roots in Anatolia, and said they did not encounter any particular difficulties when opening businesses in Istanbul.
“If I speak sincerely, when compared to Greece, everything is so organized in Turkey. I have never faced any problems,” Rena Lialiou, who owns the café Kalimera Cihangir together with Pinelopi Zacherakou, recently told the Hürriyet Daily News. The café, which opened a year ago, was the first such Greek boutique café to open in the city.
Lialiou said she had roots in Istanbul and İzmir on her mother’s side. “More than 13 years ago, I came to this city for the first time, and I fell in love with it.”
Lialiou also said tradespeople in her neighborhood had been particularly helpful. “I never feel that I am outside of my country, but feel like I’m at home myself. My only problem is the language, but I am trying to cope with it,” she said.
“It is not just a café, but also a house where we come together to enjoy Greek cuisine while also learning Greek and Turkish,” she added, describing Kalimera Cihangir as “home.”
Dimitris Pantonis is a businessman who came to Istanbul to open a restaurant in the prestigious Bosphorus neighborhood of Bebek just 15 days ago. “My experience in Athens will show me the way; Istanbul and Athens have many similarities as cities,” he said following the opening of his new location, Crete Restaurant.
“We took our risk and decided to come, and we haven’t regretted it since,” Pantonis said when asked why he had chosen Istanbul. “We are enjoying our new beginning and the beauties of Istanbul.”
Turkey, and Istanbul in particular, are enjoying impressive economic growth, in contrast to the current situation in Greece, he added, saying that he was planning to stay in Istanbul for a number of years.
Athens in Cihangir 
Another new Greek restaurant-café, called Athina, was opened on Dec. 6 in the central Istanbul neighborhood of Cihangir. “Me and my husband’s biggest dream was to open restaurants like this in Istanbul, and our dream has become reality,” said Athina’s owner, Georgia Kotsari.
“Here in Istanbul, yes, you have lots of Greek restaurants, but they only have Greeknames – that’s all. We brought real Greek cuisine with us here,” Kotsari said.
She also added that they had encountered no legal problems in opening the restaurant, but noted the difficulty in buying a dwelling. “We would like to buy a house here, but because we are Greek citizens, we have difficulties … so we rented a house,” she said.
Like Lialiou, Kotsari said local tradespeople in her neighborhood had been of great help. “Yes, our countries sometimes have political problems, but as a society we have no problem; besides, our cultures have many similarities,” she said.
Kotsari said her roots came from Turkey’s Black Sea region. “My surname is Kotsari, which comes from a traditional Black Sea dance. Here, I feel at home and safe,” she said.

Seçim İçin Savaş Planı (Video Haber)

Mart 27th, 2014 | Good Morning Turkey

Seçim İçin Savaş Planı (Video Haber)
30 Mart’taki seçime az bir süre kala Türkiye ile Suriye arasında gerilen ipler, savaş ihtimalinin kamuoyunda yüksek sesle konuşulur hale gelmesine neden oldu.
YouTube’a ‘secim gudumu’ isimli bir hesapla yüklenen son ses kaydı ilk kez bir devletin seçilmişleri ve atanmışları arasında geçtiği iddia edilen Suriye’ye girme ile ilgili planlamaları tartışıyor. Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu, MİT Müsteşarı Hakan Fidan, Dışişleri Bakanlığı Müsteşarı Ferdidun Sinirlioğlu ve Genelkurmay 2. Başkanı Orgeneral Yaşar Güler’in katıldığı bir toplantıya ait olduğu öne sürülen dört ses, Suriye’ye ilişkin konuşuyor.
‘Ortam dinlemesi’ olduğu iddia edilen ses kaydında Ahmet Davutoğlu’nun “‘Başbakan, bu (Süleyman Şah Türbesi) bir imkan gibi değerlendirilmeli bu konjoktürde’ dedi” ifadelerini kullandığı belirtiliyor. Ses kaydında Hakan Fidan’a ait olduğu öne sürülen sesin ise ”Gerekirse Suriye’ye dört adam gönderirim. Türkiye’ye 8 füze attırıp savaş gerekçesi üretirim, Süleyman Şah Türbesine’de saldırtırız” dediği iddia ediliyor.Feridun Sinirlioğlu’nun “Ulusal güvenliğimiz son derece pespaye ucuz bir iç politika malzemesi haline geldi” dediği iddia edilen ses kaydında, Genelkurmay 2. Başkanı Orgeneral Yaşar Güler’in“Direk savaş sebebi yani yapacağımız iş direk savaş sebebi” dediği öne sürülüyor.
Ses kayıtları:
Gazete Port/GoodMorningTurkey.com

How NATO would get into Syria

Leak Reveals Turkish Intelligence Chief and FM Planning to Attack Own Soil to Start War (Updated)

March 27th, 2014 | Good Morning Turkey

Leak Reveals Turkish Intelligence Chief and FM Planning to Attack Own Soil to Start War (Updated)
A new audio leak reveals secret conversations which allegedly took place between intelligence chief Hakan Fidan, FM Ahmet Davutoğlu, FM undersecretary Feridun Sinirlioğlu and General Yaşar Güler. In the leaked audio they talk about arming Syrian rebels and attacking Turkish soil for casus belli if necessary.
Here is the full transcript:
Ahmet Davutoğlu:
“Prime Minister said that in current conjuncture, this attack (on Suleiman Shah Tomb) must be seen
as an opportunity for us.”
Hakan Fidan:
“I’ll send 4 men from Syria, if that’s what it takes. I’ll make up a cause of war by ordering a missile
attack on Turkey; we can also prepare an attack on Suleiman Shah Tomb if necessary.”
Feridun Sinirlioğlu:
“Our national security has become a common, cheap domestic policy outfit.”
Yaşar Güler:
“It’s a direct cause of war. I mean, what’re going to do is a direct cause of war.”
Ahmet Davutoğlu: I couldn’t entirely understand the other thing; what exactly does our foreign
ministry supposed to do? No, I’m not talking about the thing. There are other things we’re supposed
to do. If we decide on this, we are to notify the United Nations, the Istanbul Consulate of the Syrian
regime, right?
Feridun Sinirlioğlu: But if we decide on an operation in there, it should create a shocking effect. I
mean, if we are going to do so. I don’t know what we’re going to do, but regardless of what we
decide, I don’t think it’d be appropriate to notify anyone beforehand.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: OK, but we’re gonna have to prepare somehow. To avoid any shorts on regarding
international law. I just realized when I was talking to the president (Abdullah Gül), if the Turkish
tanks go in there, it means we’re in there in any case, right?
Yaşar Güler: It means we’re in, yes.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: Yeah, but there’s a difference between going in with aircraft and going in with
Yaşar Güler: Maybe we can tell the Syrian consulate general that, ISIL is currently working alongside
the regime, and that place is Turkish land. We should definitely…
Ahmet Davutoğlu: But we have already said that, sent them several diplomatic notes.
Yaşar Güler: To Syria… Feridun Sinirlioğlu: That’s right.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: Yes, we’ve sent them countless times. Therefore, I’d like to know what our Chief
of Staff’s expectations from our ministry.
Yaşar Güler: Maybe his intent was to say that, I don’t really know, he met with Mr. Fidan.
Hakan Fidan: Well, he did mention that part but we didn’t go into any further details.
Yaşar Güler: Maybe that was what he meant… A diplomatic note to Syria?
Hakan Fidan: Maybe the Foreign Ministry is assigned with coordination…
Ahmet Davutoğlu: I mean, I could coordinate the diplomacy but civil war, the military…
Feridun Sinirlioğlu: That’s what I told back there. For one thing, the situation is different. An
operation on ISIL has solid ground on international law. We’re going to portray this is Al-Qaeda,
there’s no distress there if it’s a matter regarding Al-Qaeda. And if it comes to defending Suleiman
Shah Tomb, that’s a matter of protecting our land.
Yaşar Güler: We don’t have any problems with that.
Hakan Fidan: Second after it happens, it’ll cause a great internal commotion (several bombing events
is bound to happen within). The border is not under control…
Feridun Sinirlioğlu: I mean, yes, the bombings are of course going to happen. But I remember our
talk from 3 years ago…
Yaşar Güler: Mr. Fidan should urgently receive back-up and we need to help him supply guns and
ammo to rebels. We need to speak with the minister. Our Interior Minister, our Defense Minister.
We need to talk about this and reach a resolution sir.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: How did we get specials forces into action when there was a threat in Northern
Iraq? We should have done so in there, too. We should have trained those men. We should have sent
men. Anyway, we can’t do that, we can only do what diplomacy…
Feridun Sinirlioğlu: I told you back then, for God’s sake, general, you know how we managed to get
those tanks in, you were there.
Yaşar Güler: What, you mean our stuff?
Feridun Sinirlioğlu: Yes, how do you think we’ve managed to rally our tanks into Iraq? How? How did
manage to get special forces, the battalions in? I was involved in that. Let me be clear, there was no
government decision on that, we have managed that just with a single order.
Yaşar Güler: Well, I agree with you. For one thing, we’re not even discussing that. But there are
different things that Syria can do right now. Ahmet Davutoğlu: General, the reason we’re saying no this operation is because we know about the
capacity of those men.
Yaşar Güler: Look, sir, isn’t MKE (Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation) at minister’s
bidding? Sir, I mean, Qatar is looking for ammo to buy in cash. Ready cash. So, why don’t they just
get it done? It’s at Mr. Minister’s command.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: But there’s the spot we can’t act integratedly, we can’t coordinate.
Yaşar Güler: Then, our Prime Minister can summon both Mr. Defence Minister and Mr. Minister at
the same time. Then he can directly talk to them.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: We, Mr. Siniroğlu and I, have literally begged Mr. Prime Minster for a private
meeting, we said that things were not looking so bright.
Yaşar Güler: Also, it doesn’t have to be crowded meeting. Yourself, Mr. Defence Minister, Mr.
Interior Minister and our Chief of Staff, the four of you are enough. There’s no need for a crowd.
Because, sir, the main need there is guns and ammo. Not even guns, mainly ammo. We’ve just talked
about this, sir. Let’s say we’re building an army down there, 1000 strong. If we get them into that war
without previously storing a minimum of 6-months’ worth of ammo, these men will return to us after
two months.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: They’re back already.
Yaşar Güler: They’ll return to us, sir.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: They’ve came back from… What was it? Çobanbey.
Yaşar Güler: Yes, indeed, sir. This matter can’t be just a burden on Mr. Fidan’s shoulders as it is now.
It’s unacceptable. I mean, we can’t understand this. Why?

Ahmet Davutoğlu: That evening we’d reached a resolution. And I thought that things were taking a
turn for the good. Our…
Feridun Sinirlioğlu: We issued the MGK (National Security Council) resolution the day after. Then we
talked with the general…
Ahmet Davutoğlu: And the other forces really do a good follow up on this weakness of ours. You say
that you’re going to capture this place, and that men being there constitutes a risk factor. You pull
them back. You capture the place. You reinforce it and send in your troops again.
Yaşar Güler: Exactly, sir. You’re absolutely right.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: Right? That’s how I interpret it. But after the evacuation, this is not a military
necessity. It’s a whole other thing.
Feridun Siniroğlu: There are some serious shifts in global and regional geopolitics. It now can spread
to other places. You said it yourself today, and others agreed… We’re headed to a different game
now. We should be able to see those. That ISIL and all that jazz, all those organizations are extremely
open to manipulation. Having a region made up of organizations of similar nature will constitute a
vital security risk for us. And when we first went into Northern Iraq, there was always the risk of PKK
blowing up the place. If we thoroughly consider the risks and substantiate… As the general just said…
Yaşar Güler: Sir, when you were inside a moment ago, we were discussing just that. Openly. I mean,
armed forces are a “tool” necessary for you in every turn.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: Of course. I always tell the Prime Minister, in your absence, the same thing in
academic jargon, you can’t stay in those lands without hard power. Without hard power, there can
be no soft power.
Yaşar Güler: Sir.
Feridun Sinirlioğlu: The national security has been politicized. I don’t remember anything like this in
Turkish political history. It has become a matter of domestic policy. All talks we’ve done on defending
our lands, our border security, our sovereign lands in there, they’ve all become a common, cheap
domestic policy outfit.
Yaşar Güler: Exactly.
Feridun Siniroğlu: That has never happened before. Unfortunately but…
Yaşar Güler: I mean, do even one of the opposition parties support you in such a high point of
national security? Sir, is this a justifiable sense of national security?
Feridun Sinirlioğlu: I don’t even remember such a period.
Yaşar Güler: In what matter can we be unified, if not a matter of national security of such
importance? None.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: The year 2012, we didn’t do it 2011. If only we’d took serious action back then,
even in the summer of 2012.
Feridun Sinirlioğlu: They were at their lowest back in 2012.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: Internally, they were just like Libya. Who comes in and goes from power is not of
any importance to us. But some things…
Yaşar Güler: Sir, to avoid any confusion, our need in 2011 was guns and ammo. In 2012, 2013 and
today also. We’re in the exact same point. We absolutely need to find this and secure that place. Ahmet Davutoğlu: Guns and ammo are not a big need for that place. Because we couldn’t get the
human factor in order…

Yaşar Güler: I mean on which subject will we be able to act together? If we can’t act together for national security, on which subject will we act together? None.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: We did not do it on 2012, 2011. If we could make bold decisions on 2012..
Feridun Sinirlioğlu: They were at their weakest on 2012.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: It was like Libya inside. People were rising and falling and changing but it wasn’t our concern.
Yaşar Güler: Sir don’t get me wrong, in 2011 our primary needs were guns and ammo. It’s was the same in 2012 and 2013. We are still at the same point. We need to find them and save this place.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: Guns and ammo are not needed that much there. We couldn’t organize the people, that’s why…
Hakan Fidan: We sent about 2000 trucks full of supply there.
Yaşar Güler: I think guns are not needed there. My personal view is that ammo is  needed. Yes sir. Mr. Hakan is here, we said that we could send one general. Mr. Hakan wanted this too. We designated a general and sent him.
Feridun Sinirlioğlu: To be practical, I think our defense minister should sign the documents needed for our people as soon as possible.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: Actually tonight…
Yaşar Güler: Tonight sir, we have no problem.
Feridun Sinirlioğlu: Operation is ordered for tonight.
Yaşar Güler: We sent an operation order message, Mr. Hakan may have knowledge.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: Hakan, if send tanks what are the possible complications?
Hakan Fidan: Without coordination, if we don’t take the power balance into account…
Yaşar Güler: That’s why we want MIT’s cooperation sir.
Hakan Fidan: It’s not possible without armed personnel and capacity.
Yaşar Güler: That’s why we stipulate MIT coordination. There is nothing you should be worried about tonight or for the future. But there is something we must solve in the long run.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: I think about that thing as an option but we couldn’t convince those people. We are planning to enter with tanks. We need to consider ourselves at war after that, but between entering war and that we are operating.
Yaşar Güler: It’s an act of war. What we are going to do is directly an act of war.
Hakan Fidan: Not with Syria.
Yaşar Güler: No the man…
Hakan Fidan: But my point is; we know that two plus two is four. Now if we, I mean that thing there has no strategic importance to us but it’s about our image. I mean if we are going to enter war, let’s plan it and do it. Now my…
Yaşar Güler: We are saying the same thing since day one.
Hakan Fidan: What I can’t accept is, now if we consider using weapons for a tomb like Suleyman Shah, I mean as just 10 acres of Turkish land we risk using weapons, for 22-28 soldiers there, there are thousands of kilometers of Turkish soil, millions of poeple near the border, that why we don’t take that risk.
Feridun Sinirlioğlu: There is an excuse for that…
Hakan Fidan: Using that as an excuse is different.
Yaşar Güler: Foreign Ministry can not find an excuse for the other thing but we can for this…
Hakan Fidan: Look, I’ll tell you something…
Ahmet Davutoğlu: Between us, on the phone prime minister said this (an attack on Suleyman Shah Tomb) must be utilized as an opportunity in this conjuncture.
Hakan Fidan: General look, if we need an excuse I can send four men to the other side, send eight rockets to an empty ground. It’s no problem. We can produce reason. We just need such will. We are displaying a will for war, then we make the same mistake we always do, we think too much.
Feridun Sinirlioğlu: Now it’s ten acres of land. 10 acres of Turkish soil is a great excuse in international law, as for legitimacy if we attack ISIL all the world will back this operation. There is no hesitation.
Yaşar Güler: We have no hesitation.
Feridun Sinirlioğlu: No, I’m saying this to all of us, I mean on that matter…
Yaşar Güler: Our forces there have been ready and waiting for a year sir. It’s not a measure we took yesterday, they have been there for one year.
Hakan Fidan: Why are we waiting for Suleyman Shah, I don’t get it?
Ahmet Davutoğlu: We made every possible diplomatic move.
Feridun Sinirlioğlu: We need an excuse, a solid excuse.
Hakan Fidan: I can produce that, no problem.
Feridun Sinirlioğlu: Producing is another thing, there is already a solid excuse.
Hakan Fidan: We can attack there (Tomb of Suleyman Shah) if needed, we can make them attack there. What I’m trying to understand is…
Feridun Sinirlioğlu: Of course these can be done, we can do everything.
Hakan Fidan: If we are ready to use these, let’s designate time and place and do it.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: Hakan, if you mean there is a lack of strategy and that’s why we need to produce reason, you are right. Against these men…
Official: Sir before that thing happens…
Ahmet Davutoğlu: Ok we’ll move there, I’ll be coming. We cannot tell US foreign ministry again that we need to take harsh measures.
Hakan Fidan: Now sir, what I mean is…
Ahmet Davutoğlu: They will tell us that we couldn’t defend our own lend. We had friendly conversations before, Kerry asked me if we had decided to use force several times before.
Yaşar Güler: Sir we gave, we gave a hundred times. With America…
Feridun Sinirlioğlu: Three days ago general staff held an emergency meeting. I’m seeing that for the first time. The Americans…
Yaşar Güler: No, we do that all the time!
Feridun Sinirlioğlu: No no, Americans distributed No Fly Zone plans in this meeting. Did you know that?
Hakan Fidan: Sir if we are ready to make such an important decision now about the Tomb of Suleyman Shah…
Feridun Sinirlioğlu: No, not just Suleyman Shah.
Hakan Fidan: What I’m saying is, if we are ready to do that, we should have made the decision by now. Because of the threats and profits. I mean weakness as a state and strategic decisions…
Ahmet Davutoğlu: Yes if we did make taht decision on a smaller scale before, we wouldn’t have been forced to make this one today.
Yaşar Güler: No wait, we did make that decision.
Hakan Fidan: It wasn’t carried out.
Yaşar Güler: We can’t carry it out, we are paralyzed for several reasons sir, that’s our problem. State instruments are not working right now.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: Let me be clear; I’ll be looking at my own side, the state manners I was trained for dictates that. Would you accept that if someone told the Foreign Ministry that things are not working because of political debates…
Ahmet Davutoğlu: Such a thing wouldn’t be legitimate! Everyone will carry out what they must with resolution. What would you do if an ambassador told you “They are taking everyone in sir, they might take me in too!”? Won’t we tell him to retire and bring someone else who can do the job? It’s how we should look at this situation. That’s how democracy works.
Yaşar Güler: You are right sir.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: Now the state is driven by a few people and agencies who can make proper decisions. This is…
Yaşar Güler: Definitely sir, definitely.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: Are we going to give up on this?
Yaşar Güler: No sir, we won’t give up.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: Ok, whatever. Let’s move to the other place.
Leaked Recordings:

United Europe

Relation and resemblances between Romanian and Albanian

Excerpts from:

"The Dacians - People of Ancient Times"


10. Other arguments

- The Romanians are today a numerous people. Therefore, it can be hardly imagined that the cradle of the Romanians is a small region, for example the center of the Balkans (the valleys of the Morava and Timoc rivers). There are known enough cases in which a language spoken by a small population witnessed a considerable expansion, but this was possible only through conquests, due to a certain military or cultural prestige of the language, and definitely this isn't the case of the Romanians.
- The Romanian word �pam�nt� (�earth�) has a very interesting etymology: It comes from the Latin word �pavimentum� which meant �paving�. What we remark is that only north of the Danube this word is widely used, so only north the river the urban population was forced to move, suddenly and massively, in the countryside.
- Another word that testifies the formatiion of the Romanians north of the Danube is the word �luna� (both �month� and �moon�). Romanian is the only Romance language that uses the same word for the celestial body and for the period of time. This fact wouldn�t have told us much if there hadn�t been discovered an inscription in Roman Dacia, where the word was used for is temporal meaning. If we add that for the Romanians from south of the Danube the word doesn�t have this double significance, the permanence of it on the territory of Dacia and the continuity of the autochthons are evident conclusion.

10. The resemblances between the Romanian and the Albanian languages

- In these last paragraphs I shall surpasss the strict problem of proving the continuity, because what I shall expose has a special importance for the destiny of the Dacian people.

- The links between the Romanian and the Albanian languages are numerous and have always represented one of the main arguments of the immigration theory.
- First of all, of the 160 words that aree considered to have a Dacian origin, 90 can also be found in Albanian. Many of these are basic words in the two languages (brad - fir, m�nz - colt, g�t - neck, buza - lip) and evidently belong to an ancient background.
- There are many other resamblences: the sound a which is the same in both languages (written � in Albanian), the transformation of n in r (the rotacism of n), the rithm of the words (/ \ _), the postposed article - at these can be added many evolutions of words, but I won�t list them in this article.
- Any linguist will see in these resambleences a common background and not simple borrowings resulted from geographical closeness. The genetic relationship between the two peoples is evident.
- The Albanian, although it isn�t a Romannce language, it presents an important Latin component. We have to remark that the ancient Latin element is very close to that of the Romanian: the vocalism is identical and different from that of the other Romance languages, the double use of the article, the same form for the genitive and the dative cases (although the two distinct cases exist), many words that are missing in other Romance languages, or words that only in the two languages have a new meaning, etc. It is important to underline the fact that these resemblances don�t exist between the Albanian and the Dalmatian, the language spoken by the Romanized Illyrians from the coast of the Adriatic Sea, so the Albanian must have been formed in the sphere of the Eastern part of the Romanized Balkans.

- In the following paragraphs, I shall prresent arguments that prove that the Albanians descend from the Dacians that were not Romanized.
- This theory if sustained by well-known linguists, like the Italian linguist Giuliano Bonfante, or the Bulgarian Vladimir Georgiev. The Albanian scholars, are mostly adepts of the Illyrian origin, but we can doubt their objectivity, as the desire to prove their autochthony is quite evident.
- Unfortunately, the Romanian historians and linguist haven�t much studied this problem, and they analyzed it only in the context of the Romanian continuity.

11. The origin of the Albanians

- First of all, we should notice that thee origin of the Albanians is just as problematic as that of the Romanians, because both appear in the written history only in the 10th century.
- In the second half of the first millennnium the Albanians inhabited the region of the cities Nis, Skopje and Stip - this fact is mainly testified by the names of these cities, which feature an Albanian phonetic evolution.
- There are many arguments against the Allbanian autochthony in modern Albania and against their Illyrian origin: the names of the cities (Dures, Skoder) and the rest of the toponymy, which is generally of Slavic; the maritime terminology which is entirely borrowed: the main occupation represented by sheep raising.
- The lack of the ancient Greek words in the Albanian language, together with the presence of numerous Latin words, excludes the ancestors of the Albanians from the territory of Greek influence, which also included the southern part of modern Albania.

- But, the starting point of any study off the Albanians� origin must always be the connection between Albanian and Romanian. The interpretation of the resemblances can only lead to the conclusion that the Romanians and the Albanians were once the same people, a part of which was Romanized and other that was not. The fact that more than half of the words of the ancient , not Latin, layer of the Romanian, can only be found in Albanian, forbids us to accept the idea that the bases of the two modern languages, are constituted of two different ancient languages, only a little related.
- Thus, the Illyrian origin of the Albaniians becomes very improbable. We know that the Balkan Peninsula (the central and northern part) was inhabited in antiquity by three large peoples:

12. The Albanians - Dacians that were not Romanized

- Proving a Dacian presence south of the Danube are not only the names of settlements with the Dacian ending (dava), but also the historical information about the displacement of once 100.000 and other time 50.000 Dacians from north of the Danube (these two stages of colonization took place before the Roman conquest of Dacia, during the rule of Claudius and Augustus).
- But the origin of the Albanians doesn�tt have to be based just on the Dacians and Thracians that lived at the beginning of the Christian era on this territory. Other facts testify a migration of Dacians that were not Romanized, from the north of the Danube, and that occurred later, in the 4th century AD.
- This migration is also necessary due too the certain Romanization of the center of the Balkans for many centuries, being improbable that a large population escaped the Romanization.
- An astonishing fact is that among the 990 words that are common for the Romanian and the Albanian languages, less than a half can be found in the southern dialects of the Romanians (the Macedo-Romanian and Megleno-Romanian languages). More than that, an important characteristic that links the two languages is also absent in these dialects - the rotacism of n (that is present in the southern dialect of the Albanian). I must mention that the rotacism is found at the Istro-Romanians and the Romanian in Crisana and Maramures - the Istro-Romanians are evidently originating from the Western regions of the formation territory of the Romanians.

- This facts suggest a migration of not-RRomanized Dacians, from outside the border of the Roman Dacia, but there are even more proofs. A fact of major importance is the transfer of the entire tribe of the Carps inside the Roman Empire, in the last years of the 3rd century. This information is recorded by three ancient writers and if confirmed by archeology.
- The Carps, a Dacian tribe living in Molldova, witnessed a significant development during the 3rd century, attacking many times Dacia and other Roman provinces. At the end of the 3rd century the settlements of the Carps disappear and Moldova is occupied by the Goths. Thus the migration of the Carps is a certainty. We even know the place in the empire where they were colonized - it is the region of the modern city of Pecs, in Hungary. However, we cannot be so radical to suppose that the Carps were entirely removed from the north of the Danube; there exists information about Carps that continue to attack the empire, and archeological findings attest their presence in the abandoned province of Dacia.

- From all these elements we can draw a cconclusion concerning the ancestors of the Albanians.
- The Albanians were formed of Dacians thhat migrated from the north of the Danube and that intermingled with the Dacian-Thracian-Illyrian population from the center of the Balkans, the Dacian language being the one that prevailed.
- In their migration from the region of PPecs to the center of the Balkans, the Carps were probably joined by Dacians from the north-west of Dacia (which are attested in large number for the 3rd-4th c.). This migration was caused by the devastating invasion of the Huns (the end of the 4th century). It is well known that this invasion caused dislocations of populations - the best example is that of the Goths that abandoned Moldova and Eastern Muntenia to move in the Empire. Even Attila, in the middle of the 5th century, when the center of the Hun empire if placed between the Danube and Tisza rivers, demands that the people he subdued and who abandoned their settlements to establish themselves in the Byzantine Empire, be returned to him.
- Thus, before the arrival of the Slavs, the Proto-Albanians live in the region of Nis, Skopje, Stip, and later (the 9th-10th c.) they will move south-west, occupying the territory of modern Albania. Still, we can accept and extend to the west of the cradle of the Albanians, including a part of the Dinaric Mountains, but this limit is hard to be identified.

- I shall end with one last linguistic faact concerning the name of the Carpathian Mountains. This toponym, with an evident connection with the name of the Carps, has no explanation in the Romanian language (this is true for the whole toponymy that was preserved from the time of the Dacians). But there exists a language that can explain the meaning of this name: in Albanian, the word �carp�� means �stone�, so the Carpathians are nothing but the �Stony Mountains�.

Copyright © 2006 Mihai Ciocârlie

Romanian Language (original) version: 

Dacii - istorie şi civilizaţie

10. Alte argumente

- Românii sunt astăzi un popor numeros. Asstfel, foarte greu s-ar putea imagina leagănul românilor că fiind o regiune restrânsă, de exemplu centrul Balcanilor (valea Moravei şi a Timocului). Se cunosc destule cazuri în care o limbă vorbită de o populaţie mică a cunoscut o răspândire considerabilă, dar acest lucru a fost posibil numai prin cuceriri, printr-un anumit prestigiu militar şi cultural al acelei limbi, ceea ce nu poate fi valabil şi pentru români.

- Cuvântul ‘pământ’ din limba român�ă prezintă o etimologie foarte interesantă: el provine din latinescul ‘pavimentum’, care înseamnă ‘pavaj’. De remarcat este faptul că doar la nordul Dunării acest cuvânt are o utilizare mai răspândită, deci doar la nordul Dunării populaţia urbană a fost forţată să se mute, brusc şi masiv, în mediul rural.
- Un alt cuvânt care dovedeşte originea noord-dunăreană a românilor este ‘lună’. Limba română este singura limbă romanică care foloseşte acelaşi cuvânt pentru astru şi pentru perioada de timp. Acest fapt nu ne-ar spune mare lucru dacă nu s-ar fi descoperit o inscripţie din Dacia romană în care cuvântul ‘lună’ este folosit cu sensul său temporal. Iar dacă mai adaug că la românii sud-dunăreni cuvântul nu cunoaşte această dublă semnificaţie, păstrarea lui permanentă pe teritoriul Daciei şi continuitatea autohtonilor sunt evidente.

10. Asemănările între română şi albaneză

- În aceste ultime paragrafe voi depăşi pproblema strictă a argumentării continuităţii, pentru că ceea ce voi expune prezintă o importanţă deosebită chiar pentru destinul poporului dac.

- Legăturile dintre română şi albaneză sunt numeroase şi au constituit întotdeauna unul din argumentele principale ale teoriei imigraţioniste.
- În primul rând, dintre cele 160 de cuvinnte considerate dacice din limba română, 90 se regăsesc şi în albaneză. Multe din aceste cuvinte sunt cuvinte de bază ale celor două limbi (brad, mânz, gât, buză, etc.) şi aparţin evident unui fond arhaic.
- Există multe alte asemănări: sunetul ă� comun celor 2 limbi (scris ë în albaneză), trecerea lui n în r (rotacismul lui n), ritmul cuvintelor (/ \ _ ), articolul postpus - la acestea se mai adaugă şi numeroase evoluţii de cuvinte, dar pe care nu le mai menţionez în acest articol.
- Orice lingvist recunoaşte în aceste asemmănări un fond comun şi nu simple împrumuturi datorate convieţuirii pe acelaşi teritoriu. Este evidentă înrudirea genetică dintre cele două popoare.
- Albaneza, deşi nu este o limbă romanică�, prezintă o componentă latină importantă. Trebuie remarcat că elementul latin vechi este foarte asemănător cu cel al românei: vocalism identic şi diferit de cel al celorlalte limbi romanice, folosirea dublă a articolului, aceeaşi formă pentru genitiv şi dativ (deşi există cele două cazuri distincte), multe cuvinte care lipsesc în celelalte limbi romanice sau care au primit un sens nou doar în cele două limbi, ş.a. Trebuie subliniat că această apropiere nu există şi între albaneză şi dalmată, limba vorbită de ilirii romanizaţi de pe coasta Adriaticei, deci albaneza trebuie să se fi format în sfera romanităţii balcanice estice.

- În continuare voi aduce argumente care deemonstrează că albanezii sunt urmaşi ai dacilor neromanizaţi.
- Această teorie este susţinută de lingviişti renumiţi, precum italianul Giuliano Bonfante sau bulgarul Vladimir Georgiev. Savanţii albanezi sunt în general adepţii originii ilire, dar de obiectivismul lor ne putem îndoi, fiind evidentă dorinţa de a-şi susţine autohtonia.
- Din păcate istoricii şi lingviştii rom�âni s-au ocupat prea puţin de această problemă, analizând-o doar în contextul argumentării continuităţii.

11. Originea albanezilor

- Să spunem pentru început că originea allbanezilor este la fel de problematică ca şi cea a românilor, deoarece şi unii şi alţii apar în istoria scrisă abia în secolul X.
- În a doua jumătate a primului mileniu paatria albanezilor a fost regiunea oraşelor Niş, Skopje, Ştip - acest lucru este dovedit în primul rând chiar de numele acestor oraşe, care prezintă o evoluţie fonetică albaneză.
- Există numeroase argumente împotriva auttohtoniei albanezilor în Albania de azi şi a descendenţei lor ilire: numele oraşelor (Dures, Skoder) şi restul toponimiei în general slavă; terminologia maritimă care este în întregime împrumutată, ocupaţia principală reprezentată de păstorit.
- Lipsa cuvintelor greceşti antice în limbba albaneză, împreună cu prezenţa a numeroase cuvinte latine, îi exclude pe strămoşii albanezilor din teritoriul de limbă greacă, care cuprindea şi jumătatea sudică a actualei Albanii.

- Dar, orice studiu al originii albanezilor trebuie să pornească în primul rând de la legăturile strânse dintre română şi albaneză. Interpretarea acestora nu poate să ducă decât la concluzia că românii şi albanezii au reprezentat cândva acelaşi popor, din care o parte a fost romanizată, iar alta nu. Faptul că mai mult de jumătate din cuvintele de fond, preromanice, din limba română se regăsesc doar în albaneză, ne împiedică să acceptăm ideea că la baza celor două limbi moderne s-au aflat două limbi diferite, doar într-o anumită măsură înrudite între ele.
- Originea iliră a albanezilor devine astfeel foarte improbabilă. Se ştie că Peninsula Balcanică (partea centrală şi nordică) a fost locuită în antichitate de trei mari popoare: iliri, traci şi daci - cu observaţia că dacii erau într-o anumită măsură înrudiţi cu tracii. Linia despărţitoare între iliri şi grupul daco-tracic a fost situată probabil pe râurile Vardar şi Morava, deşi apartenenţa etnică a populaţiilor care au locuit centrul Balcanilor este destul de incertă. Toate informaţiile pe care le avem (texte antice, toponimie, antroponimie) separă net pe daco-traci de iliri, deci nici ideea unor limbi foarte asemănătoare nu poate fi acceptată.
- Teoria solidă a continuităţii româniloor la nordul Dunării, ne conduce către o origine dacică, eventul daco-tracică a albanezilor.

- Centrul Balcanilor, regiunea Niş, Skopje,, Ştip, a fost pentru multe secole sub influenţa limbii latine (este situat la nord de linia Jirecek). Pentru această regiune dovezile indică un amestec de populaţii dacice, tracice şi ilire.
- Mai spre est, Munţii Balcani separă teriitoriul romanizat, de-a lungul Dunării, de cel grecizat din sud. În această parte nu se poate imagina păstrarea unui numeros popor neromanizat şi care în plus nu a suferit de loc influenţa limbii greceşti.
- Lingvistul bulgar Vladimir Georgiev, bun ccunoscător al limbii trace, a demonstrat pe baza unor fenomene fonetice că limba dacă este mai apropiată de albaneză decât limba tracă (totuşi, măsura în care trebuie să deosebim limba dacă de cea tracă nu ne este bine cunoscută).

12. Albanezii - daci neromanizaţi

- Pentru o prezenţă dacică la sud de Dun�ăre, în centrul Balcanilor, pledează nu numai localităţile cu terminaţia specifică dacilor (dava), ci şi informaţiile istorice despre mutarea, o dată a 100.000, iar altă dată a 50.000 de daci de la nordul Dunării (aceste colonizări au avut înaintea cuceririi Daciei de către romani, în timpul domniilor lui Claudius şi a lui Augustus).
- Dar, originea albanezilor nu trebuie să ffie explicată doar pe baza dacilor sau tracilor care au locuit la începutul erei creştine pe acest teritoriu. Alte dovezi vin în sprijinul unei migraţii a dacilor neromanizaţi de la nordul Dunării, care a avut loc mai târziu, în secolul IV.
- Această migraţie este necesară şi datoorită romanizării evidente a centrului Balcanilor timp de mai multe secole, deci fiind destul de improbabilă păstrarea unei mari populaţii neromanizate.
- Ceea ce frapează în primul rând este faaptul că dintre cele 90 de cuvinte comune daco-românei cu albaneza, mai puţin de jumătate se întâlnesc şi la dialectele sud-dunărene ale românei (la macedoromâni şi la meglenoromâni). În plus, la acestea este absentă o caracteristică importantă care leagă cele două limbi, şi anume rotacismul lui n (prezent în albaneză doar la dialectul sudic). Mai adaug că rotacismul se întâlneşte la istroromâni şi la românii din Crişana şi Maramureş - istroromânii sunt evident originari din regiunile vestice ale teritoriului de formare a poporului român.

- Aceste fapte sugerează migrarea unor dacii neromanizaţi, rămaşi în afara provinciei romane Dacia, dar dovezile nu se opresc aici. Un fapt de primă importanţă este reprezentat de mutarea întregului neam al carpilor în Imperiul Roman, în ultimii ani ai secolului III. Această informaţie este regăsită la trei autori antici şi este în plus confirmată arheologic.
- Carpii, trib dacic locuind în Moldova, a cunoscut o dezvoltare deosebită în cursul secolului III, atacând în numeroase rânduri Dacia şi alte provincii romane. La sfârşitul secolului III se constată dispariţia culturii carpilor, părăsirea aşezărilor şi ocuparea Moldovei de către goţi. Migrarea carpilor devine astfel o certitudine. Se ştie şi locul unde au fost colonizaţi carpii în imperiu, şi anume în regiunea oraşului actual Pecs, din Ungaria. Totuşi, nu putem fi atât de categorici încât să susţinem dispariţia completă a carpilor de la nordul Dunării: există informaţii despre carpi care continuă să atace imperiul, iar urme ale acestora s-au descoperit în Dacia abandonată de romani.

- Din toate aceste elemente, putem trage conncluziile referitoare la strămoşii albanezilor.
- Albanezii s-au format prin amestecul dintrre daci migraţi de la nordul Dunării cu populaţia neromanizată, daco-traco-iliră, din centrul Balcanilor, limba dacă fiind cea care s-a impus.
- Migraţia carpilor colonizaţi în regiuneea Pecs, la care s-au alăturat probabil şi daci din nord-vestul Daciei (atestaţi arheologic în număr mare în secolele III-IV), către centrul Balcanilor, a avut loc cu ocazia invaziei devastatoare a hunilor (sfârşitul secolului IV). Este cunoscut faptul că invazia hunilor a provocat dislocări de populaţii, exemplul cel mai bun fiind acela al goţilor care au părăsit Moldova şi estul Munteniei, mutându-se în Imperiu. Chiar Attila, la mijlocul secolului V când centrul Imperiului hun este aşezat între Dunăre şi Tisa, cere să îi fie înapoiaţi supuşii care şi-au părăsit aşezările pentru a se stabili în Imperiu Bizantin
- Astfel, înaintea sosirii slavilor, proto--albanezii locuiesc regiunea Niş, Skopje, Ştip, de unde mai târziu (secolele IX-X) se vor muta spre sud-vest, ocupând teritoriul Albaniei actuale. Putem accepta totuşi şi o extensiune mai spre vest a leagănului albanezilor, cuprinzând o parte din Munţii Dinarici, dar mai greu de precizat.

- Voi încheia cu un ultim fapt de natură llingvistică, referitor la denumirea Munţiilor Carpaţi. Acest toponim, în legătură evidentă şi cu numele carpilor, nu are nici un înţeles în limba română (lucru valabil pentru întreaga toponimie păstrata din vremea dacilor). Dar există totuşi o limbă care poate explica acest nume: în albaneză, cuvântul ‘carpë’ înseamnă ‘stâncă’, deci Carpaţii nu sunt altceva decât ‘Stâncoşii’.